Employee Portal

FTP Setup and Access

Access an Existing EEC FTP Site

Instructions can be found here:

U:\^FTP Site\Management\EEC FTP Site Instructions.pdf

NOTE: Rather than transcribe those instructions on this webpage, build a webpage that anyone can access at:



New EEC FTP Site Setup

Ask the Requester for the Following
  1. Are you sure an account doesn’t already exist?
    1. Check U:\^FTP Site\FTP Site Password List.xls to see if an account
      already exists.
    2. If so, skip to the last section, “Wrapping Up”
    3. If not, keep going
  2. What will the name of the FTP site be? Usually, it is the client name, but perhaps client name + project is more appropriate (e.g. “aramarkfairfax” instead of just “aramark”). This will also be the user name.
  3. What will the password be? If no preference, you can make it up with a password generator
    1. Random Password Generator (length=6 is good; disallow reserved
      Windows characters like < > : ” / \ | ? *)
    2. http://www.pctools.com/guides/password/?length=8&phonetic=on&alpha=on&numeric=on&nosimilar=on&quantity=1&
Create an Account on the Server
  1. Remote Desktop to EECWB
    1. Username: administrator (local, no domain)
    2. Password: ask anyone in Technology Services
    3. Server Manager > Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Right-click users folder > New User…
      1. User Name: a simple, easy, lower-case login name (e.g.
      2. Full Name: a full descriptive name (e.g. Aramark Fairfax)
      3. Password: use the guidelines above if you don’t have one
      4. Uncheck “User must change password at next logon” and check
        “Password never expires”
      5. Click Create.
  2. Make sure to add the user’s details to FTP Site Password List.xls
  3. Find the user you just created in the list > Right-click on the new user > Properties > Member Of > Click Add…
    1. Type: EEC FTP Users
    2. Click: Check Names to check for spelling errors.
    3. Click: OK
    4. Click OK to close the user properties window.
  4. In Windows Explorer, go to: E:\ftproot\LocalUser
  5. Create a folder with the same name as the user name you created above (e.g. aramarkfairfax)
  6. Log off of EECWB
Create a Shortcut
  1. In U:\^FTP Site, copy and paste one of the existing shortcut file (e.g.
    “1031 Arden Way (1031arden)” )
  2. Change the name to the new user’s full name and username
  3. Right-click your new shortcut > Properties > Shortcut
    1. In the “Target” field, change the username and password in the link
      to the ones you just created. They should go in the blanks in the
      form “ftp://username:password@ftp.eecworld.com”
    2. Click OK
  4. Test the shortcut by opening it and copying a document to it.
Wrapping Up
  1. If you haven’t done so already, add the user’s name, username, and
    password to the document U:\^FTP Site\FTP Site Password List.xls
  2. Open U:\^FTP Site\EEC FTP Site Instructions.pdf and add the username
    and password to page 2. Save it as a new PDF with the new user name like
    “EEC FTP Site Instructions – aramarkfairfax.pdf” to a temporary location
    like your Desktop.

    1. Copy the PDF to the FTP site as its first file.
  3. Send an email to the person who requested the site that looks something
    like this with the PDF attachment:

Dear _,
Please see the attached instructions for accessing __’s account on
our FTP site. For quick access at our office, you can also use the
following link: U:\^FTP Site\_______ (__).lnk
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,